Many times we use cosmetic products and do not get the expected results, but rather the opposite, and that is because the product is not the most suitable for our skin type.
The first maxim in our easy care routine is cleansing. A double nightly cleansing is the most recommended, starting with a balm or oil and completing with a soapy cleansing gel. Likewise, you cannot miss the toner to regulate your pH and do not forget that, in the morning, when you wake up, you also have to clean. Clean skin is healthy skin and is much more receptive to the treatments and care that are applied.
Hydration is a step that cannot be missed, no matter how oily your skin may seem. Contrary to what many people think, all skin needs hydration. But skin should not only be hydrated on the outside to look beautiful. It will be essential that it is hydrated from the inside, so you will have no choice but to drink a lot of water to achieve this. Between a litre and a half, two litres per day is the minimum.
Daily, after cleansing and the rest of your cosmetic routines, as a last step, include a high SPF sunscreen
This step is essential and you should not skip it, since all the previous care will be in vain.
Extra care for the skin
The serum is your best ally against wrinkles. Choose one with the components you need for your skin and apply it every night before the night cream or in the morning after cleaning your face well.
Your skin speaks for you and its appearance is a reflection of your health and physical condition, so the more you take care of it, the better it will speak for you.
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